User manual
Art. 55-106 M101
Rev. 0 03.2019
Offel s.r.l.
Via Lato di Mezzo, 32 48022 Lugo RA - Italy Tel. +39 0545/22542 [email protected]
MENU KEY: when the MENU button is pressed, on the SPECTRUM screen it is possible to easily perform
measurements with the functions on the screen
(fig. 183).
Fig. 183
Fig. 184
Fig. 185
AUTO RANGE: automatically determines the measurement range based on the highest and lowest signal level on
the SPECTRUM screen.
FULL / EMPTY: you can see the levels in the SPECTRUM screen as full or empty (fig. 184).
MASK SAVE: it is possible to save the measurement with the MASK SAVE function when measuring the spectrum,
then use the MASK LOAD function to recall it and use it as a reference (fig. 185).
SAVE TO USB: it is possible to save the measured values as a table * .CSV on USB.
EDIT BUTTON: in the SPECTRUM screen it is possible to manually change the display parameters by pressing the
EDIT button (fig. 186).
IF FREQ: it is possible to see the frequency on which the marker is positioned.
SPAN: you can select the desired frequency range on the screen.
REF .: it is possible to select the highest measuring point.
RANGE: it is possible to select the level range of the signal to be measured.
Fig. 186
9.3 SPECTRUM DCS1800 - 1800 MHz band
Fig. 187
To measure the 1800 MHz band select DCS1800 SPECTRUM and press the ENTER button (fig. 187). Make sure the
instrument is connected to an antenna suitable for the 1800 MHz band reception.
Fig. 188
In the above ranges of the DCS1800 display it is possible to see the downlink signals of the operators (fig. 188).
To measure the signal levels move the red marker with the RIGHT / LEFT buttons.