7. Error Messages
It is description about product error, press Front panel ERROR I/O Local Key to check or sending
SYST:ERR command on PC Interface.
+0,"No error"
There is no error occurred.
7-1. Operational Error
-10, "Invalid the DAC parameter"
Remove the load when DAC parameter is invalid.
It occurs when calibration was not fully operated.
Read reference "4. CALIBRATION"
7-2. Hardware Error
-200, "System interface error"
SCPI Module is not working properly.
-201, "ADC operating failed"
ADC Part's circuit is failed.
-202, "Front panel operating failed"
Front Panel does not reply.
-255, "Error not define"
It occurs when a defined error occurs.
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7-3. Remote Calibration Error
Read reference "4-6. Calibration Using REMOTE INTERFACE"
-20, "Ignored min run under volt"
It occurs when voltage Maximum or value is operated before setting Minimum value.
Sequence : Min → VALUE → MAX → VALUE
-21 "Ignored min save under volt"
21, Ignored min save under volt
User did not operate minumum value before maximum value.
Sequence : Min → VALUE → MAX → VALUE
-22, "Invalid min value use under volt"
It occurs when Minimum value command is sent before sending maximum value.
Sequence : Min → VALUE → MAX → VALUE
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