3-3. Remote Voltage Sensing
Regulation occurs when the load is connected with power supply output terminal,
in connection lead line. Therefore, to provide accurate power, Remote Voltage Sensing
can be used. Please follow the steps below to use V-Sensing.
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CV Regulation
Read Reference about Specification's Voltage Load Regulation Characteristics Below :
Because of load current fluctuation, bS point and + output terminal V-Sensing
should add 5mV each to its characteristics. Because Sensing Lead line is a part of
power supply's feedback. Sensing lead line should be less than 0.5Ω to maintain
output value accurately.
Output Rating
Check below features for Specification of Voltage & Current Output rate.
Dropped v actual output voltage will be power supply's total output value.
Therefore, if users try to print maximum voltage, we cannot guarantee V-sensing
performance. Power supply will be in Unregulated condition.
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Also, if each load lead line is more than 1V, power supply can become Unregulated
regardless of maximum output voltage.
What is UnRegulated condition? Condition which cannot operate CV or CC mode,
because power supply source is above the maximum limit.
Output Noise
In output of power supply, sensing lead line noises can give critical damage to voltage
Load Regulation. Therefore, follow the sequence below.
Refer Diagram <3-1>.
▌twist sensing lead lines to reduce noises from outside.
▌connect straight to load lead line and sensing lead line.
▌In circumstances which noise is disclosed, sensing lead line should be covered.
▌Connect noise cover device to power supply in shortest location to GND.
▌Connect load lead & sensing lead from shortest location from power supply.
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