Command which checks setting step value.
Return value "numeric value"
ex) volt:step?
return value "0.5000"
This command set-up OVP(Over voltage protection) Trip Level.
> voltage
Input voltage in OVP setting range
> voltage
Input voltage in OVP setting range.
ex) volt:prot 9.9
Set-up 9.9V for OVP Level.
This command checks OVP(Over voltage protection) Trip Level.
Return value "numeric value"
return value "9.9000"
[SOURce:]VOLTage:PROTection:STATe {0|1|OFF|ON}
This command set-up OVP function enable/disable.
> 0 OR OFF
Disable OVP Function.
> 1 OR ON
Enable OVP Function.
ex) volt:prot:stat off
Set-up to disable OVP Function.
This command checks OVP function activated or deactivated.
Return value "0" - OVP Function is deactivated.
"1" - OVP Function is activated.
ex) volt:prot:stat?
return value "1"
This command checks whether there is a Trip in current OVP(Over voltage protection)
This command checks whether there is a Trip in current OVP(Over voltage protection).
Return value "0" - Normally activating
"1" - Output is shut down because of OVP Trip
ex) volt:prot:trip?
return value "1"
This command clears OVP(Over voltage protection) Trip.
Before removing the trip, please check
"3-4. Programming Over Voltage Protection(OVP)"
p, p
find the cause of the trip.
ex) volt:prot:cle
Clear OVP Trip.
When OVP Trip occurs, it shut-off output voltage/current. When voltage and current are set-up,
it saves the value, but will not be printed before the trip is cleared.
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