9 C-Quant Program
Instruction Manual C-Quant ( G/80000/1007/en)
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Result fields
In the following sections a sub-opitmal measurement is chosen as example. See
sect. 12.1, page 35, example 4.
Fig. 9-6: Results shown numerically
Here the result of (
) = patient’s straylight value) of the current examination is shown
In addition the field shows the
examination date
, the patient’s
at the time of exam-
ination, the examination duration and the quality parameters Esd and Q.
is the expected standard deviation of the individual measurement value in case
of repeated measurements.
The smaller Esd is, the more reliable the result.
Q is a further quality criterion. In this case the result is the more reliable the higher
the value is.
If Esd < 0.08 and Q > 1, the reliability of the result is considered to be good.
If Esd < 0.08 and Q > 0.5, the reliability is considered to be acceptable.
A warning is given if Esd > 0.08 or Q < 0.5.
[On the right is a field for entering comments on the examination performed].