8 Patient Data Management
Instruction Manual C-Quant ( G/80000/1007/en)
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Settings “Import/Export”
Fig. 8-10: "Import/Export" - Box
Here you select the settings for automatic backup and for import/export of the data.
Click in the "Automatic Backup" field on the checkbox "Enable" to activate the back-
up function
Folder (in field "Automatic backup)
This field is for entering the letter, which designates the drive, and, if it exists, the
subdirectory of the source in which the data are to be saved. This directory is also
used as the backup directory in the normal backup function. Alternatively, the drive
and the directory from which the data are to be imported or exported can be
searched for by pressing the
Folder (in field Import/Export)
This field is for entering the letter, which designates the drive, and, if it exists, the
subdirectory of the source from which the data are to be imported or exported. Al-
ternatively, the drive and the directory can be searched for by pressing the
By selecting the „U12“ format, importing and exporting of the patient data from or
into one file can be preset. When „Folder“ is selected, the patient data are imported
or exported from two folders with the file extensions .DAT and .BMP .
Control unit
If the data import/export is to be done from a control unit, the appropriate interface
can be preset here.