Use the Stride and Level adjustment buttons on the moving handlebars to quickly and easily adjust your
workout to meet your needs without taking your hands off the grips!
CrOss-CirCuit™ programs
Lower Body Blast—Upper Body Blast—Core Focus—
Total Body Blast
CROSS-CiRCUIT is a whole new way of working out with your Octane elliptical. These programs combine cardio
intervals on the elliptical cross trainer with sets of strength and toning exercises off the machine using simple
equipment such as hand weights or a fitness ball.
Your CROSS-CiRCUIT Strength Training Interval Guide provides suggested
exercises to target the lower body (green tab), upper body (blue tab), and core
(red tab). Just choose the exercises that best suit your needs. Mix it up, keep it
interesting, and watch your body change for the better with these great total-
body workout alternatives!
lower Body Blast
Lower Body Blast targets the thighs, calves, hips and glutes with off-machine
strength-building sets. Get started by u
sing the Up Arrow (
) and Down Arrow
) keys to enter the program settings as prompted by the matrix window:
Cardio Time, Strength Time, and Level. After completing the warm-up, your first
cardio interval begins. Listen for the beeps at the end of the cardio interval,
then carefully step off the machine to complete your lower-body strength set.
The display will flash and you will hear another set of beeps when it is time to
step back on the elliptical for your next cardio interval. This pattern continues
throughout your workout. The resistance level for the cardio intervals can be
changed at any time by pressing the Level (
) buttons at any time.
Lower Body Blast
Lower Body Exercise
Strength Interval Guide
Use these exercises when your console
refers to Lower, Upper and Core.