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[1] In Level I
The GPS module will be working for the first three minutes (i.e. 3 times of acquisition time) and then shut down for ONE minute
(i.e. equivalent to acquisition time), and then work again for another three minutes……
[2] In Level II
The GPS module will be working for the first two minutes (i.e. twice of acquisition time) and then shut down for ONE minute (i.e.
equivalent to acquisition time), and then work again for another two minutes……
Power Down
Remarks: to set power down mode when the tracker is inactive (stationary) for a period of time.
In Power Down mode, GPS stops working and GSM enters sleep and stop sending out message until it is activated by message,
incoming calls, movement or input changes.
XX=00, to turn off this function.
XX=01~99, to turn on Power Down after a specified period of being inactive. It is in unit of minute.
In this example, the tracker will enter power down mode after it is inactive for 10 minutes.
Set Log Interval
Remarks: to set the interval for storing GPS data into tracker’s flash memory.
(Note: this interval is not relevant to the interval of SMS/GPRS tracking)
X=0, to turn off this function.
X=[1, 65535] to set interval in second.
In this example of W000000,031,60, the tracker will store location data every 60 seconds.
Time Zone
W000000,032,480 W000000,032,-120
Remarks: Default time of the tracker is GMT, you can use this comment to correct it to your local time. This command is for SMS
tracking only.
T=0, to turn off this function.
T=[-32768,32767] to set time difference in minute to GMT.
For those ahead of GMT, just input the time difference in minute directly. For example, GMT+8, W000000,032,480
‘-‘is required for those behind GMT. For example, W000000,032,-120.
Set SMS Header
Remarks: this command is to set initial characters for SOS message when SOS/IN1, Button B/IN2, Button C/IN3 is pressed.
P=1, SOS button/Input1
P=2, B button/Input2
P=3, C button/Input3
Char is the character in SOS message and max 32 characters and defaulted as:
1 SOS Alarm!
2 Cry For Help!
3 Call The Police!
Set Prefix (Country Code)
Remarks: be advised caution in this setting. Normally, your country code (for example in China it is +86) will be automatically
added and displayed prior to a phone number when sending SMS. In this case, you don’t have to do this setting. If the country
code is not added, you are required to input the country code, for example, +86, to enable the tracker can send out SMS to your
mobile phone.
Data: max 10 digits