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7.7 Track by GpsGate
The OCB-VT-013 supports GpsGate Software.
Please contact us or GpsGate for more information of settings.
8. Authorization
: W******,003,F,P,T
: Authorize phone numbers for the SOS button (or inputs) for receiving location reports and
SMS alarms.
F=0, to turn off this function; (default)
F=1, only sends SMS to the authorized phone number;
F=2, only calls the authorized phone number;
F=3, both SMS and calling.
(Note: OCB-VT-013 doesn’t support two-way conversation. Calling only gives ring and reminder to the
authorized phone)
P=1, set an authorized number for SOS button (Input 1);
P=2, set an authorized number for Input 2;
P=3, set an authorized number for Input 2.
T: Preset phone number. Max.16 digits.
9. Application Examples for Inputs
9.1 SOS Button Connection
Connect the SOS button and wires as below picture shows:
Input 1 or Input 2 or Input 3
SOS Button
Note: input voltage to Input must not over 45V
After above authorization is complete, once the SOS is pressed, an SOS SMS - “SOS Alarm” will be sent to
the preauthorized phone number and then a message with longitude and latitude to follow.
(Note: An SOS button is already connected to OCB-VT-013 in standard packing)