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7.2 Track by Calling
Make a missed call to the tracker and it will report its longitude and latitude by SMS with format as follows:-
Latitude = 22 32 36.63N Longitude = 114 04 57.37E, Speed = 2.6854Km/h, 2008-12-24,01:50
7.3 Track by Preset Interval
: W******,002,XXX
: Set an interval for the tracker to continuously return its location by SMS
1. XXX is the interval in minute.
2. If XXX=000 to turn off tracking by time
The tracker will send location data back to your mobile phone every 30 minutes.
7.4 Google Earth and Google Map
Download Google Earth from http://earth.google.com/.
Start Google Earth (For more information about Google Earth please refer to http://earth.google.com/) or
go to http://maps.google.com in your Internet Explorer.
Input the latitude and longitude that you receive from the tracker by SMS and click the search button.
Google Earth or Google Maps will display the location for you.
When you receive: Latitude = 22 32 40.05N Longitude = 114 04 57.74E
Type as the following picture shows:
(Note: you should input the latitude and longitude as: 22 32 40.05N 114 04 57.74E)
And then you can find the location of your tracker: