- 18 -
: Set time interval for logging GPS information. The information is stored within the device
memory. When the memory gets full, the newest record will be overwritten on top of the oldest (FIFO - First
In, First Out). In that case, only the newest information is stored.
1. X=0, to turn off this function. X=[1, 65535] to set interval in the unit of SECOND.
2. The logged message is in GPRMC format and includes:
Date and time
3. All data, stored within the memory, may be exported to the PC using the USB connector. For this matter
the “GPSLog” program has to be used (please refer to < GPSLog User Guide> and <GPRS Communication
Protocol> for more information).
4. The device has 4MB internal memory space for storing the track log and is able to store up to 180,000
records within the memory.
The tracker will store GPS data every 60 seconds.
16.2 Auto Log when no GPRS
When there is no GPRS connection, the tracker can store all GPS information triggered by preset tracking
interval, alarms, request, or button activation and send this information (FIFO - First In, First Out) to server
by GPRS or preauthorized mobile phone by SMS when GPRS connection recovers.
The interval memory can store up to 1500 SMS and 4600 GPRS message.
17. Power Down
: W******,026,XX
: Make the tracker into power down mode(for power-saving purpose) when it is inactive or
stationary for a period of time. In Power Down states, GPS stops working and GSM enters sleep and stop
sending out message until it is activated by message, incoming calls, movement or any input changes.
XX=00, to turn off this function.
XX=01~99, to turn on Power Down after a specified period of being inactive (or stationary). It is in unit of
: W000000,026,10
The tracker will enter power down mode after it is inactive (or stationary) for 10 minutes.
18. Initialization
: W******,990,099###