Equitrac Professional TouchPoint Console Installation and Setup Guide
Chapter 3: Initial Local Configuration
Create a new Console
To create a new instance of a TPC (rather than replacing an existing TPC), follow these steps:
In the New or Replacement Console screen, DO NOT select an existing TPC. Instead, ensure that no TPC is
selected from the list, then press OK.
In the TouchPoint Console Name screen, enter a unique name for this new TPC. Optionally, enter a description
that you can use to identify TPC. Typically, a good description involves TPC location or some other identifying
Press OK to continue.
The Local IP Setting screen will appear, giving you two methods for setting the local IP: DHCP or Static IP. These
methods are described in the sections below.
To use DHCP:
Press DHCP, then click Test. Clicking Test tells TPC to contact the DHCP server for an IP Address. The Current
Settings field updates when the Test is complete. If successful, you will see the following information under
Current Settings:
Method: DHCP
IP Address - x.x.x.x
Netmask - x.x.x.x
Gateway - x.x.x.x
Lease Time (mins) xxxxx
Press OK to continue to the Date, Time, and Locale screen.