Pile allows scenes to be brought up on top of each 'other. This feature can be used as many times as wished, so
as allow to as many scenes to be piled on as desired.
Lighting channels can be controlled individually on stage by activating the Manual function. This allows for scene
modification during an actual production. When active, each channel slide control can be used to gain control of
the level of that channel by moving it to the current level indicated by the LED directly above it.
The Go button can be used to create scenes on the fly. When the Go button is pressed, a snap-shot of the channel
slide controls is placed into an autofader and faded to at the current fade rate.
The Back button is used to reverse an autofade. This allows the user to return to the previous scene. When Back
is tapped again, the action is reversed.
It is sometimes desired to reprogram or preview during a live production. Using the Blind button causes the current
stage levels, including chase effects, to be locked on stage. Therefore, changes on the NCM 6200 will not affect
stage levels. It should be noted that exiting the Blind mode will instantly change stage levels to controller levels. If
this is not desired, it is necessary to return the controller to the the same setting as the stage levels.
Pressing the Blackout button will cause one of two things to happen. If a chase is active, tapping Blackout will
cause the chase to fade out at the current autofade rate. If no chase is active, or has just been deactivated, a tap
of the Blackout button will cause all stage levels to fade out at the current autofade rate.
Changes to the NCM 6200 configuration modes are initiated with the Configuration button. Configuration modes
include such things as number of dimmers output and softpatch.
Touch Sensitive Buttons
All of the buttons on the NCM 6200 that initiate or deactivate scenes, operate such that tapping the button will
cause fading to occur at the current fade rate determined by the Fade Rate slide control. Pressing and holding the
button will override the fade control and cause an instant fade.