Memory Scene button #5 : Softpatch
The NSI NCM 6200 console can actually control up to 64 dimmer channels by the use of Softpatch. Each of the 16
control channels can be assigned to any number of dimmer channels between I and 64. Any dimmer channels
assigned to a particular control channel will change intensity with the control channel. This is called softpatching. If
the same dimmer channel is assigned to different control channels, then the control channel with the greatest level
with have control over this dimmer.
Some examples of Softpatching are:
Console channel I can control dimmer 16.
Console channel 2 can control dimmers 5,6,8,9, & 20.
Console channel 12 can control dimmers 12,40, & 50.
Console channel 16 can control dimmers 1 thru 12.
The Softpatch table uses page number 16 of scene memory, so there is only 15 pages of memory when Softpatch
is on.
Some examples of the use of Softpatch are:
More than 16 dimmer channels are needed.
The lighting system may need to be set-up differently but the operator would like to maintain the same control
channel assignments.
An installation with more than 16 individual light fixtures installed needs to be reconfigured often without rewiring.
Only 12 light fixtures are connected and console channels 13 - 16 are used as submasters.
In any of the above situations, Softpatch may be the answer.
Setting Softpatch
Move all channel level slide controls to their minimum positions. Press Config button followed by memory scene
button 05. The digital display will show "Sp".
If this is the first time you are Softpatching, or you wish to erase and reset Softpatch memory press memory scene
button #7.
Select the control channels you wish to repatch by setting the corresponding slide control (ONLY) to it's maximum
position. The 16 channel level LEDs will now represent dimmers assigned to the selected control channel. Since
only 16 dimmers can be displayed at a time, you may use the Page button to display dimmers above 16 if you
wish. Once the Page button is pressed, the digital display will show the starting number of the dimmers displayed.
For example, "1" means dimmers I - 16 are displayed, and "17" means dimmers 17 - 32 are displayed.
The dimmer channel to be changed is represented by a flashing channel level indicator LED. The selection of
specific dimmer channels that are to be repatched is controlled by the use of memory scene buttons #2 and #3.
Use memory scene buttons 02 and #3 to select the dimmer channels to patch and unpatch to the previously,
selected control channel. Tap the Program button to toggle this dimmer channel on (bright flashing LED) and off
(dim flashing LED).
Use memory scene buttons #2 and #3 along with the Page and Program buttons to patch and unpatch any other
dimmer channels to the selected control channel. When you are satisfied with the selected control channel
patching, return the channel level sliders to minimum and select a new channel to patch, repeating the above