The Configure mode can be used to change the console's configurable functions such as memory lock, softpatch,
number of dimmers, scene split.
To change one of the configurable functions, tap the Config button until the LED display shows "CF". Now a
specific configuration function can be selected by tapping the appropriate Memory Scene button as listed below.
Memory Scene button #1 : Scene Split
Tapping this button will cause the LED display to show "SS" which stands for Scene Split. A scene split is a
method of dividing the memory scene buttons into two independent sections, each with it's own autofader. This
allows the operator to reserve a set of Memory Scene buttons for special lighting scenes which can be used
To activate or change Scene Split, tap the button which will define the start of the right side of the split. The
console will then exit the configuration mode and save the scene split number in non-volatile memory.
To deactivate Scene Split, repeat the above procedure, but instead tap the Memory Scene #1 button which will
define the right side split to start at #1, which removes the left side split entirely.
Memory Scene button #2 : Memory Lock
Chase and scene memory can be locked to prevent unauthorized modifications by tapping this button. The LED
display will show "LO" to indicate access to the program lock. Pressing memory scene button #1 will toggle the
program lock off and on as indicated by the LED display. Press Blackout when done to save the lock status in
non-volatile memory.
Memory Scene button #3 : Preheat
This button is used to change the Preheat level. This is commonly used to preheat or warm the filaments of the
lamps and is usually set to a level which gives a slight orange glow to the stage lighting. The result is faster lamp
response and possible longer lamp life. Preheating is also useful in combatting dimmer fuse and circuit breaker .1
nuisance tripping" when using many small wattage lamps with high inrush current.
Press this button and use memory scene button #2 and #3 to raise or lower the preheat level. The Fade Rate
control may be used to change the level rapidly. Press blackout when finished.
Memory Scene button #4 : Maximum Number of Dimmers
This button is used to set the maximum number of dimmers currently connected to the multiplex line. The minimum
setting is 16, and the maximum setting is 64. Use the memory scene #2 button to increment the setting and the #3
button to decrement the setting. The Fade Rate control may be used to change the number rapidly. Setting the
maximum at a number lower than required will cause some of the dimmers to not function, while a setting higher
than required will cause unnecessary extra work for the console.
When done setting this parameter, press the Blackout button to save the setting in non-volatile memory.