ISO-STIM 01D User Manual
version 4.3
page 5
3. ISO-STIM 01D Stimulus Isolation Unit
3.1. System Description
The ISO-STIM 01D stimulus isolation unit is designed for application of extracellular stimuli,
e.g. in brain slices.
The output signal is optically isolated from ground and can either be a constant voltage up to
100 V or a constant current up to
10 mA. The ISO-STIM 01D has a built-in timing unit with
adjustable pulse length, amplitude and polarity.
The ISO-STIM 01D has three modes of operation:
In the
input mode the output signal follows exactly the input signal.
In the
input mode the output signal is generated by the built-in timing unit
and triggered either by a TTL trigger at the GATE TTL connector or manually with the
In the
input mode the output signal follows – like in DIRECT mode – the
input signal but is triggered by the input signal itself and the duration of the output
stimulus is set at the ISO-STIM 01D.
The ISO-STIM 01D has two LEDs to indicate if the amplifier is 10% below its positive or
negative limit, and one LED to indicate the application of a voltage or current stimulus.
The stimulus output can be monopolar or bipolar selected by a switch.
Figure 1: ISO-STIM 01D front panel view