Design and manufacture of devices and
systems for nondestructive testing
Pinhole Detector NOVOTEST ED-3D
1. Introduction
This manual contains important information about safety, use and
service of the pinhole detector. The manual is intended for
acquaintance with the device, a principle of action and service
regulations of the pinhole detector NOVOTEST ED-3D.
Attentively read this manual before using the device.
2. Appointment
2.1. The device is intended for control of porosity and violation of a
continuity of dielectric coverings on products from electro-carrying
out materials.
2.2. Operating conditions of operation of the device:
-air temperature from 0 to +40
-relative humidity of air to 95 % at 30
3. Technical characteristics
3.1. Revealed defects
the porosity, cracks, not painted areas.
3.2. Operation of the pinhole detector occurs during penetration of
solution of electrolit through sites of violation of a continuity of a
covering to a surface of an electro-carrying-out material (product)
owing to what there is a decrease in resistance of a controllable site
of a surface.
3.3. Operating modes (control tension)
9V, 67,5V and 90V.
(Standard ASTM G62-A)
3.4. A tolerance control tension in the absence of indication ±5 %.