Design and manufacture of devices and
systems for nondestructive testing
Pinhole Detector NOVOTEST ED-3D
- connecting cable No. 1: el.unit - electrode-holder
plug to plug
1 piece.
- connecting cable No. 2: el.unit - product
plug to clip -1 piece.
4.4. The operation manual
1 piece.
4.5. A set of resistors (82 kOhm, 100 kOhm, 115 kOhm, 135 kOhm,
360 kOhm, 430 kOhm)
1 set.
5. Device, action principle, bodies of indication and device
5.1. The principle is put in a basis of operation of the device the
annex of control tension to a metal product and a covering with the
put electrolit and fixings of course of a current at electrolit
penetration to metal in places of violation of a continuity of a
5.2. Bodies of indication and control are shown on fig.1.
5.3. On/off the device occurs in long pressing of the button.
5.4. Mode change (9V; 67,5V; 90V) occurs in short pressing of the
button. The active mode (control tension) is displayed by the light-
emitting diode.
Indication of the chosen mode (at the left on the right):
- a green light-emitting diode
- a yellow light-emitting diode
- a red light-emitting diode