Design and manufacture of devices and
systems for nondestructive testing
Pinhole Detector NOVOTEST ED-3D
6. Marking and packing
6.1. The device symbol is put on the front panel of the device with a
manufacturer trademark;
6.2. Serial number is in the battery compartment.
7. Preparation for work
7.1. Place in a battery compartment, previously having taken it from
the case, 3 batteries of AA type.
7.2. To prepare water solution of electrolit, in following a proportion:
70 grams of dry electrolyte to the one water liter.
7.3. To execute cleaning of oxide films on a sponge installation site
on an electrode the holder and clamping platinum.
7.4. Fix a sponge on an electrode holder.
7.5. With the connecting cable No. 1 (plug to plug) connect an
electrode holder to "lamb" of red color on the device.
7.6 With the connect the cable No. 2 (plug to clip) to "lamb" of black
color on the device.
7.7. To turn on the device, long pressing the button. The indicator
corresponding to the chosen mode (control tension) will light. The
device will keep the last operating mode, before switching off.
7.8. To choose, short pressing of the button an operating mode
(control tension) 9V or 67,5V or 90V.