Design and manufacture of devices and
systems for nondestructive testing
Pinhole Detector NOVOTEST ED-3D
8.5. For further control provide absence of contact of a sponge
through electrolyte solution with a defective site (it is necessary to
wipe dry a defective site or to recede from it).
8.6. At monitoring procedure it is necessary to watch visually quality
of wetting of a surface a sponge, at emergence of characteristic
"dry" traces it is necessary to moisten.
8.7. After the completion of control to switch off the device, remove
and wash out a sponge, wipe dry a contact surface of an electrode
holder and clamping plates, disconnect cables.
9. Precautionary measures
9.1. The persons after instructing and certified on the II qualifying
group for safety measures at work with electro- radio-measuring
devices are allowed to work with the device.
9.2. Elimination of malfunctions and repair of the device is carried
out only by manufacturer.
10. Storages and transportations
10.1. The device should be stored at air temperature from +5 to
+40°С and relative humidity to 80 % at temperature 25°С.
10.2. Indoors for storage there must not be a dust, acids, alkalis and
aggressive gases.
10.3. Device transportation in a case can be made by any kind of
transport according to requirements and the rules of transportation
operating on these means of transport.