Program Change Channel and Port Input - PRCGChan and PRCGPort
The SL can be set up so that Program change messages from an external device (or your computer) are used to change
the template on the SL. This can be useful in both Live and studio situations when switching between various set-ups.
The SL will respond to Program change messages 1-32 for Advanced Mode templates 1-32 and a Program change
message of 33 for Automap Mode.
PRCGChan and PRCGPort define which MIDI channel and input port are to be used to receive these program
change messages.
Send and Receive Sub Menu - SendRcv
Template, Dump
The first two options on this page allow you to dump templates in sysex format from the ZeRO SL MkII to your computer
or another MIDI device for backing up. The first option allows you to dump a single template. Rotate the encoder to select
which template you want to dump (range is Current, 1-33), then press the button above the encoder to send the template.
If you edit a template but do not save it, the edited version can be dumped by selecting ‘Current’ instead of the template
number. Selecting the template number will dump the version stored in the SL MkIIs flash memory (i.e. whether the
template has been saved or not). Press the button below ‘All’ to send all templates.
Send Globals
Press the button to dump the global settings in sysex format.
This option sets where template and global sysex dumps are sent to.
MIDI O/S Send, Receive
Press the buttons below ‘Send’ or ‘Receive’ on the left-hand display to transmit or listen for an operating system (OS)
dump on the MIDI IN and OUT connectors on the back of the ZeRO SL MkII. You will be asked to confirm that you want to
or update the OS before it will transmit or accept an OS dump.
USB1 OS Receive
Press the button below ‘USB1 O/S Receive’ on the left-hand display to prepare the ZeRO SL MkII to receive an OS sysex
dump from a computer on USB port 1. You will be asked to confirm that you want to update the OS before it will accept an
OS dump.
Drum Pad Calibration Sub Menu - DrumPads
To begin the drum pad calibration press the
The eight values across the left-hand display correspond to drum pads 1-8. The pad hit velocity value is shown on the
top line (‘---‘ if the pad has not yet been hit) and the calibration value is shown on the bottom line. This first page is for
full velocity (maximum strength hit) calibration:
Hit a pad at full strength to check the current calibration. If the hit velocity value above the pad goes to 127 too easily,
decrease the pad calibration value using the encoder or buttons underneath. This will reduce the sensitivity of the pad,
meaning you need to hit it harder to reach maximum velocity.