The LowVal, HighVal, Ports, MidiChan, Response, BtnType, TchMode and Name settings are the same as for Control
Change (CC) so see that section for information on these settings.
DispType (DisplayType):
The options for this setting are the same as for CC however the ‘REL1’, ‘REL2’ and ‘APOT’ display
types are not available for encoders.
This determines the length of the sysex message sent when the control is operated. The value sets the number
of bytes and is variable between 0 and 12, or 9 and 12 for ROLAND type sysex messages.
This allows you to set the format of the sysex message as follows:
Sysex message does not contain a variable byte and a fixed message is sent every time the control is operated.
Sysex message contains one variable byte. The value of this byte is determined by the current control value and
limited by the Low Value and High Value settings. The position of the variable byte in the sysex message can be edited.
Sysex message contains one variable byte and one checksum byte. The value of the variable byte is determined
by the current control value and limited by the Low Value and High Value settings. The format of the sysex message is fixed
such that the second-to-last byte is always the variable byte and the last byte is always the checksum byte (excluding the
F7 byte).
If an encoder has DispType set to ‘0-16K’ then the options for DataType are as follows:
Sysex message does not contain a variable byte and a fixed message is sent every time the control is operated.
Sysex message contains two variable bytes which form an MSB and LSB pair, allowing a 14-bit value to be
transmitted. The LSB precedes the MSB in the sysex message. The two bytes cannot be separated by non-variable bytes
but the position of the pair of bytes in the message can be edited.
This is the same as LSB-MSB except the MSB precedes the LSB in the sysex string.
Sysex message contains two variable bytes and one checksum byte. The format of the message is fixed such
that the last three bytes of the string are always MSB, then LSB and then checksum (excluding the F7 byte).
DataPsn (Data Position):
This allows you to set the position of the variable data byte(s) in the sysex message. This value
will automatically be constrained by the Length setting. Note that if DataType is set to ROLAND then this value will be fixed,
as the format of ROLAND sysex messages cannot be edited.
To edit the value of each of the non-variable bytes in the sysex message scroll up to the sysex message page. All bytes
are displayed in hexadecimal format. By default the ZeRO SL MkII will place an F0h at the start and F7h at the end of the
message and set all other non-variable bytes to 00h. Variable bytes appear as ‘DV’ and a checksum byte will appear as ‘CS’
- these cannot be edited.
To edit a byte use the buttons or encoders in line with the ‘<<’ and ‘>>’ symbols to navigate the cursor to the desired byte
and then use the buttons, encoder or pot in line with ‘VALUE’ to set the value (range 00 to 7F). Scroll down after editing
the sysex message to return to the control settings.
MMC messages are primarily used for transport control.
The Ports setting is the same as for Control Change (CC) so see that section for information on these settings.
This sets the type of MMC command that the control will transmit from the following options: STOP, PLAY,
DEF PLAY (deferred play), FORWARD, REWIND, RECORD, REC EXIT (record exit), REC PSE (record pause), PAUSE, EJECT,
This sets the Device ID number transmitted in the MMC command message (range 0-127).