Digital Video Recorder
User Manual
Issue: V4.3 (2020-05-09)
Quick Navigation
After the DVR operation screen is displaying, move the cursor to the down most position of the
DVR screen. The DVR floating menu bar is displaying.
in the left of DVR floating menu bar. The quick home menu is showing. The quick
home menu provides
stem and Power (Shutdown, Reboot and Logout)
as shown
in Figure 6-1.
Figure 6-1
Quick home menu
In the middle of DVR floating menu bar, the video tool bar provides
video window switching
auto SEQ, volume, playback,
channel information,
as shown in Figure 6-2.
Figure 6-2
Real-time video toolbar
The real-time video toolbar is described as follows:
Layout. Click the icon, the real-time video window switch between the single-screen mode and
multi-screen mode. Click
on the right of screen splitting format and choose the channels to
view the video.