Issue 3.2
Printed: July 16 2017
Page 67
Remove the lower bolts attaching the front seat backrest post to the root tube.
Remove the hold down bolts attaching the rear metal seat plate to the crossbar shown
below. Note on trikes with the optional strobe light, the electronic box for the strobe
light may be mounted under the rear seat metal plate. If this is present, remove the
bolts holding the electronics box to the metal plate and lower the box clear of the seat
frame straps.
The rear metal seat plate, along with the front seat backrest can now be lifted out from
the seat frame as a unit and set aside.
Remove screw in front seat plate holding plate to support tube. Remove front seat
plate and set aside.
If a fairing is installed, remove the top screws securing the fairing to the metal plate
attached to the seat frame.
Corner hold down straps
looking from underneath
Note strobe light electronics
mounted under seat plate
Rear seat plate hold
down bolts (2)
Strobe electronics box
mounting bolts (4)
Front seat backrest
post anchor bolt (1)