Issue 3.2
Printed: July 16 2017
Page 52
Task Description:
Wing fittings and hardware include the following items:
Nose plates
Cross bar plates
Crossbar to leading edge attachment hardware
Sprog attachment hardware
Front swan hook attachment
Pull back cable attachment hardware
In all cases replacement of this hardware requires the removal of the wing from the trike. The
common element among these items is that they all attach to the tubing and care must be taken
to avoid over tightening bolts and thereby crushing or distorting the tubing excessively.
Remove wing ribs
Spread wing on clean floor or ground surface upside down.
Open wing zipper or nose cone to expose part to be replaced.
Remove safety wire and bolts securing hardware to wing tubes taking particular care to
note the sequence of washers, saddles, and nut positions.
Replace the worn or damaged part checking the holes in the tubing at the same time for
wear or fatigue cracks.
Replace the bolts and nylock nuts with new ones if there is any sign of wear or the
nylock has been used more than 3 times.
Tighten the bolts to SNUG making sure the tubing is not distorted excessively which
would weaken the tube.
4.3# Carriage#Maintenance#
Cleaning Exterior
Skill Level:
Owner and higher
Pail and hose
Water and mild detergent
Task Description:
The trike frame is made of powder coated aluminum and the optional fairing is a gel coated
fiber glass resin composite. Both can be cleaned with any mild degreasing detergent such as
Dawn. For heavy accumulations of grease or oil, first identify and fix the source. Heavy
grease or oil can be removed by spraying the area with WD-40 and wipe off with a dry rag or
paper towel. Follow up with mild detergent to remove the residual film and rinse well with