Issue 3.2
Printed: July 16 2017
Page 47
Slide the nose section out through the crossbar zipped opening in the sail.
Slide the rear section together with the nose section and check for any bends by rolling
the assembled LE on a large flat surface and viewing down the tube while supported at
several points on a flat surface.
In general, when re-assembling, simply perform the above tasks in reverse order. A
few notes may be helpful.
Be careful to align the rear section LE properly. With the wing upside down it is easy
to get the sprogs facing the front of the LE instead of the back. It may not be obvious
this has happened until later in the re-assembly and some re-work will be required.
You will probably not be able to get the sail screw near the nose back in place until the
wing is completely re-assembled and tensioned. At that time, the grommet in the sail
can be more easily twisted by hand to align with the screw hole in the LE. It is helpful
to have a second person assist with this.
Keel Tube Replacement
Skill Level:
LSR-M, or A&P
Tools Required:
Two 7/16” box or open end wrenches
” Hex wrench (Allen wrench)
Replacement keel tube
AN4 Nylock nuts
Task Description:
The keel tube can be removed and replaced without removing the sail or any other elements of
the wing frame following the sequence outlined below:
Remove the wing from the trike using the procedure described in the Owner’s Manual.
Remove wing struts and ribs following the procedure shown in the Owner’s manual as
if you were going to put wing in bag for transporting.
Disconnect the nose wires from the swan hook and lay the wing flat on the ground with
top of wing up. Pull the washout tubes out of their sockets and fold back toward the
tips. Fold the sprogs back toward wing tips.
Bring wing tips together simultaneously (requires 2 people) or in 3-4 small stages (if
only one person) being careful not to force them together. The tensioner cable must
slide clear of the wing penetration hole when bringing the wing tips together. If the
tensioner hardware catches on the sail, it can easily tear the sail causing significant