7-4 Log and fault reports
555-4001-129 Standard 08.01 November 2000
Log PM102 is generated when the IPE makes a transition from the in-service
(InSv) or ISTb state to the SysB state.
The following is an example report format:
PM102 APR25 08:19:42 3200 SYSB IPE HOST 00 3
Node:SysB (WAI recvd) From InSv
Log PM103 is generated when the IPE makes a transition from the manual
busy (ManB) or SysB state to the offline (Offl) state.
The following is an example report format:
PM103 JAN30 13:31:59 3456 OFFL IPE HOST 00 3
Node:Offl From ManB
Log PM104 is generated when an IPE shelf makes a transition from the Offl
state to an unequipped (UnEq) state. This log is only generated if the IPE is
posted at the MAP display when the state change occurs.
Note: An IPE makes a transition to the UnEq state when it is deleted from
The following is an example report format:
PM104 JAN01 08:32:51 1181 UNEQ IPE HOST 00 3
Node:UnEq From Offl
Log PM105 is generated when the IPE makes a transition from the InSv, ISTb,
Offl or SysB state to the ManB state.
The following is an example report format:
PM105 JAN01 08:32:51 1181 MANB IPE HOST 00 3
Node:ManB From Offl
Log PM106 is generated when the IPE makes a transition from the SysB,
ManB or ISTb state to the InSv state, and a PM ISTb condition is cleared.