6-20 Feature implementation
555-4001-129 Standard 08.01 November 2000
types of equipment specified below. This function responds to and acts upon
all three types of BSY messages.
controller card
line cards
RTS messages
Return To Service (RTS) messages are used to logically enable equipment so
that it may participate in call processing. In the IPE, RTS messages refer to
one of three types of equipment specified below. This function responds to and
acts upon all three types of BSY messages.
controller card
line cards
TEST messages
TEST messages are used to isolate faults in the IPE. In the IPE, two
comprehensive tests are available: an in-service test and an out-of-service test.
This function responds to and acts upon both types of TEST messages.
Link status messages
Link status messages are used to control the operation of the C-side DS30A
links. In the IPE, the links can either be enabled or disabled. This function
responds to and acts upon both types of link status messages.
Configuration messages
Configuration messages are used to set up the operational parameters of the
equipment. In the IPE, configuration messages refer to either line cards or
terminals. This function responds to and acts upon both types of configuration
QUERY messages
QUERY messages are used to determine the configuration of the equipment.
In the IPE, QUERY messages return the loadname, line card configuration,
and various maintenance statistics. This function responds to acts upon these
QUERY messages.
Display functions on NTD07AC
Light Emitting Diode (LED) control
A single red LED is provided on the controller card faceplate. The LED turns
on when the card is out-of-service and turns off when the card is in-service.