FD67 Profibus-DP Manual
6.1.2 Configuration with S7 Hardware Manager
This chapter explains the HW configuration as an example (hardware setup software of the Simatic S7
Manager by Siemens) to show how a FD67 System is configured and parameterized.
To provide more detailed information, particularly information on diagnosis processing, would go beyond
the scope of this manual. For information, please refer to the documentation of the DP master or the
controller (PLC).
Click on the FD67 bus node
previously connected to the
Profibus to call up a table in the
lower half of the screen in which
the individual modules connected
to the bus node can be entered.
In the hardware catalogue of the
Simatic Manager you will find
FD67 under “other field devices” -
Mark “FD67NDPM127804” in the
hardware catalogue and drag the
entry to the Profibus with the left
mouse button pressed.