Clock Date and Time must be set before calibration interval will function. If batteries are
removed from wrench for longer than 20 minutes, clock will revert to default settings and
must be re-entered at power on.
Calibration interval is calculated from either In-Service Date or last Calibration date (see
SHOW INFO menu) depending on which is more recent date. When clock Date is greater
than In-Service or Last Calibration date, plus Cal Interval, "CAL NEEDED" message will be
displayed on power up and after a re-zero. Pressing ENTER
button will continue to
target menu. Applying torque while "CAL NEEDED" message is displayed will immediately
display torque or angle measurement and return to target menu when released.
As an alternative to calibration interval, a Calibration Cycle Counter is provided in
Calibration menu (Contact your local Norbar Repair Centre regarding Calibration menu).