Ninox Hardware User Manual
(Rev B)
Step 3
The Ninox Settings dialog will appear as shown.
A preview of the image will also be shown here.
Within the “Settings” tab, select the desired
collection frame rate (FPS).
Select a Resolution for recording. The
recommended resolution will show up based on
chosen FPS. See Sections 11.3 and 11.4
Sections 11.3 and 11.4
Sections 11.3 and 11.4
Sections 11.3 and 11.4 for more
information on camera frame rate and resolution
You may change the shutter time, environment,
and settings such as gain and gamma here.
Refer to S
Section 7.1
ection 7.1
ection 7.1
ection 7.1 to adjust these settings.
Note: If the camera image appears blurry
(especially with a Ninox 300C), the focus on the
lens may need to be adjusted. To do this, turn the
lens in the camera until the image appears clear.
Step 4
Click on OK (in the bottom of the dialog box)
when done.