Please read the following section very carefully before operating the
device. This is important in terms of getting the best performance out
of your detector!
The INVENIO system box and shaft & handle communicate wirelessly.
Normally, the system box and the shaft & handle are paired before they
are shipped from the factory. Therefore, they will connect directly upon
initial start up.
Please follow the pairing steps below if there is no connection
established :
Be sure that the system box and shaft & handle are turned off.
While pressing the SCAN button on the handle, turn the ON/OFF
switch on the shaft to ON position. The LED on the handle will start
blinking red.
While pressing the Zoom In button on the system box, turn the
system box on - do not let go of the button! When the pairing is
successful, the LED will blink green twice and turn off. You can now
let go of the button.
Once the pairing is done, the system box and shaft & handle will
connect automatically upon start up.
You may hear the sound of the relay circuit in the shaft during
pairing; this is normal.
You can follow the status of the wireless connection from the WiFi
icon the INFO bar located at the bottom of the screen. If the icon is
green, it means there is connection. If the icon is red, it means there
is no connection.
If the Wireless Shaft Channel is turned off in the OPTIONS, the
connection will be lost, the LED on the handle will start blinking red
and the WiFi icon on the INFO bar will turn red as well.
Similarly, if the connection is lost due to any reason, the LED on the
handle will start blinking red. When the connection is reestablished,
the LED will blink green twice.
All modes of the INVENIO, except for the Ground Anomaly & Cavity,
work in 2 different detection screens - one with and one without the
IPTU sensor. The Ground Anomaly & Cavity mode will work in the
detection screen with the sensor only. Detection screen selection
does not have direct effect on the operation of the modes. The main
difference between the 2 screens is as follows: When searching in the
detection screen without the IPTU sensor, the device detects targets
and displays their IDs only. On the other hand, while searching in the
detection screen with the IPTU sensor, apart from the IDs, the device
also provides the instant depth, shape and 3D graphs of detected
First, adjust the shaft length and coil angle to searching position.
Then place the search coil on a flat surface, adjust the search coil angle
so that it is parallel with the ground and lean it against a fixed object
such as a tree, rock or a wall. If there is no place to lean it against, hold
it stable with your hand.
Turn both the system box and shaft & handle on.
Press the SETTINGS button and select ''Calibrate the sensor''.
Press the OK button and wait for the calibration process to be
completed. Once the progress bar is full, the calibration will be
completed and the device will automatically revert to the selected
mode's detection screen.
If you will search using the detection screen without the IPTU
sensor, you do not need to do the calibration process.
Especially if you will use one of the non-motion modes, you must
ground balance the detector before starting to search. Ground
balancing plays a big role in minimizing the false signals and obtaining
target shapes. All details regarding ground balance are explained in
the relevant sections of the manual.
To obtain accurate data in the detection screen with the IPTU sensor,
first be sure that the IPTU sensor is properly calibrated.
While searching in this screen, the height of the coil above the ground
is critical for the sensor to obtain accurate data. For this reason, pay
attention to the height indicator on the screen. The ideal search height
is shown with green on the indicator. To obtain the best results while
searching and scanning, pay attention to keeping the search coil within
the green area.
While searching in this screen, you can see the movements of the
coil in real time on the 3D detection ground. As the search coil moves
forward or back, the 3D detection ground will slide. The areas scanned
over by the search coil will be painted in gray on the screen. You can
see how much area you have scanned by zooming in and out on the
ground. When you zoom in or out on the ground, the target signals and
the search coil will also be zoomed in or out. Zoom does not affect the
scaling of the ground. For example, if the search coil scans an area of
1 meter while you zoom in or out on the ground at maximum, the total
scanned area will still be shown as 1 meter on the result screen.
TRACE function :
When you press the TRACE button and activate this
function, the screen will follow the coil and rotate in the same direction.
When you press the TRACE button, the word TRACE will be displayed
on the INFO bar.
When you detect a target in the detection screen with the IPTU sensor,
the target ID will be displayed on the cursor on the color ID bar at
the top of the screen. At the same time, the signal obtained from the
target will be displayed with a 3D graph and colored according to the
type of target. Ferrous metals are indicated with red, gold/non-ferrous
metals with yellow, and non-ferrous metals are indicated with green. In
addition, the depth of the detected target will be shown on the depth
indicator instantly.
While searching in this screen, drifts may happen in both directions
on the Drift-Metal bar at the bottom. When the bar fills up in the Drift
direction, nothing will be displayed on the 3D detection ground, and the
device will not produce any audio. When the drift happens in the metal
Keď na druhej strane dôjde k posunu v smere METAL/KOV, na
detekčnej ploche sa objaví plochý súvislý graf a zariadenie vytvorí
zvukovú odozvu.
V takom prípade potiahnite spúšťač smerom k sebe a uvoľnite, aby
ste manuálne preladili zariadenie. Ak sú posuny stále prítomné, na
ich odstránenie môžete použiť nastavenia AutoReset a stabilizátor.
Ďalšie podrobnosti nájdete v príslušných častiach tohto návodu.
3D graf signálu zostane na obrazovke, pokiaľ nepohnete
vyhľadávacou cievkou. Keď pohnete cievkou, zostane na obrazovke
asi 3 minúty a potom zmizne. Keď sa posúvate mimo naskenovanej
plochy, signály môžu vypadnúť mimo obrazovku. Ak sa vrátite na
miesta, kde ste získali signály do 3 minút, môžete znova vidieť 3D
Na detekčnej obrazovke so senzorom IPTU môžete na vyčistenie
obrazovky použiť tlačidlo CLR. Zakaždým, keď stlačíte tlačidlo CLR,
všetky údaje na obrazovke sa vymažú a cievka bude vycentrovaná
na obrazovke.
Signály cieľov môžete zväčšiť a zmenšiť pomocou tlačidiel nahor a
Podrobnosti o použití uvedené vyššie sú spoločné pre všetky režimy
okrem režimu Ground Anomaly & Cavity(pôdne anomálie a dutiny).
Pre tento režim si prečítajte nasledujúcu časť.
Detekcia v režime pôdnych anomálií a dutín
Najdôležitejšia vec, ktorú potrebujete vedieť pred použitím tohto
režimu je, že tento režim sa odlišuje od ostatných režimov tým, že nie
je režimom „detekcie“, ale skôr režimom „prieskumu“. V tomto režime
bude zariadenie detekovať všetky pôdne anomálie a dutiny. Anomálie
ako napríklad: Rôzne typy pôdy v tej istej oblasti, mineralizované
horniny, narušená pôda atď. Podobne môžu byť dutiny vymenované
ako: miestnosti, tunely, jaskyne, pivnice a podzemné hroby. Odporúča
sa, aby sa tento režim nepoužíval na náhodných poliach, ale iba na
menších oblastiach, kde máte podozrenie na prítomnosť dutiny.
Pred začatím používania tohto režimu sa najskôr uistite, že je senzor
IPTU správne nakalibrovaný.
„Retune height“(Preladiť výšku) sa zobrazí na indikátore výšky.
Preladenie vykonáte zdvihnutím cievky do výšky pričom potiahnite
spúšťač a uvoľnite. Výška pohybu cievkou bude vyznačená na
indikátore výšky. Spustite cievku do tejto výšky a začnite hľadať.
Počas vyhľadávania musí cievka zostať v zelenej oblasti na
indikátore. To je veľmi dôležité, aby zariadenie vykonávalo správne
V režime Ground Anomaly & Cavity (pôdne anomálie a dutiny) sú
všetky signály získané zo zeme pohybom cievky (vplyv zeme, pôdna
anomália, dutina alebo kov) indikované kresbou na obrazovke. Keď
prvýkrát začnete hľadať, 3D graf signálu získaného zo zeme sa na
krátky čas javí väčší a silnejší. Potom sa to vráti do normálu. Aby
zariadenie v tomto režime vykonávalo presné výpočty, musí zbierať
údaje za určitý čas. Preto sa odporúča naskenovať oblasť minimálne
5-10 m² okolo cieľovej oblasti.
V tomto režime je efekt zeme označený žltou farbou, kovy a pozitívne
„hot rocks“(horúce horniny) červenou farbou a anomálie pôdy a dutiny
sú označené sivou alebo modrou farbou v závislosti od sily signálu. Pri
vysokej mineralizácii môže byť červené, rovnako ako pri pozitívnych
„hot rocks“(horúcich horninách).
Okrem toho, červené signály cieľov sú zobrazené s vrcholom smerom
nahor a sivé a modré signály sú zobrazené so špicom smerujúcim
V tomto režime zariadenie neprodukuje žiadnu zvukovú odozvu.
Všetky ciele a signály sa zobrazujú iba vizuálne na obrazovke. Z
tohto dôvodu musíte pri vyhľadávaní v tomto režime pozornejšie
sledovať obrazovku. V prípade potreby si môžete obrazovku priblížiť
a oddialiť.
Ak detekujete kov alebo pozitívnu „hot rock“ (horúcu skalu), na
stupnici ID v hornej časti sa zobrazí ID cieľa. Stupnica ID v tomto
režime je biela a nie farebná ako v ostatných režimoch.
POZNÁMKA: V tomto režime ciele s ID medzi 0-10 alebo nad 97
označujú pozitívne „hot rocks“ (horúce skaly). Niekedy môžu takéto ID
generovať mineralizované a vulkanické horniny a okolo nich je veľmi
bežná prítomnosť pôdnych anomálií. Preto signály dutín získané v
takýchto oblastiach nemusia vždy patriť skutočným dutinám.
3D graf signálu zostane na obrazovke, pokiaľ nepohnete
vyhľadávacou cievkou rovnako ako v iných režimoch. Akonáhle
pohnete cievkou, zostane na obrazovke asi 6 minút a potom
zmizne. Keď sa posuniete mimo naskenovaje plochy, signály môžu
prejsť mimo obrazovku. Ak sa vrátite na miesta, kde ste získali
signály do 6 minút, môžete znova vidieť 3D grafy.
Funkcia skenovania funguje iba v bezpohybových režimoch.
Zariadenie sa neprepne na obrazovku skenovania v pohybových
Aby ste mohli získať 3D grafy a tvary detekovaných cieľov na
detekčnej obrazovke so senzorom IPTU, musíte vykonať
skenovanie. Ak to chcete urobiť, postupujte podľa nasledujúcich
a. Najprv odstúpte od oblasti, kde ste zaznamenali signál cieľa.
b. Potom stlačte tlačidlo SCAN a uvoľnite. Zariadenie sa prepne na
obrazovku skenovania. Na rozdiel od detekčnej obrazovky je skenovacia
obrazovka biela, kockovaná pôda.
c. Stlačte a podržte tlačidlo CLEAR/VYMAZAŤ. Keď sa cievka na
obrazovke vycentruje, uvoľnite tlačidlo.
d. Stlačením a podržaním tlačidla SCAN pomaly otáčajte cievkou
zľava doprava a skenujte ponad cieľ. Začnite trochu ďalej od miesta,
kde signál začína, až kým cievka nebude úplne mimo cieľového
signálu. Najdôležitejšie veci, ktorým by ste mali venovať pozornosť
pri skenovaní, sú držanie cievky stabilne a rovnobežne so zemou a
mierne prekrývanie každého záberu bez medzier. Medzery môžete
jasne vidieť na obrazovke. Ak ste v režime Ground Anomaly &
Cavity(pôdne anomálie a dutiny), je tiež veľmi dôležité udržiavať
výšku cievky v zelenej oblasti na indikátore.
POZNÁMKA: Nepúšťajte tlačidlo SCAN, kým budete počuť cieľový
signál. Ak tlačidlo SCAN uvoľníte a znova stlačíte, tvary nebudú
správne a medzi počiatočným a konečným bodom skenovania budú
Okrem režimu Ground Anomaly & Cavity(pôdne anomálie a dutiny)
budú oblasti, kde zariadenie prijíma signál, vykreslené červenou.
painting will be in red or blue for a short period of time independent
from the target. Then the painting will be done according to the metal
type just like in the search screen.
Once the scanning is completed, if you swing the search coil over
the edges of the scanned area with short sweeps and clean out the
spots with no target signals, the device will obtain a much better raw
Once the scanning is completed, release the scan button.
If you want, you can scan multiple targets at the same time by holding
the SCAN button pressed or scan them one by one by pressing and
releasing the SCAN button each time. In each case, the 3D graphs and
shapes of all targets will appear in a single result screen.
Targets with a signal strength of more than 40 on the
Drift-Metal bar located on the bottom of the screen (not present in
the Ground Anomaly & Cavity) will yield better shapes. For weak
signals with a signal strength of less than 40, you can increase the
sensitivity to boost the signal strength.
In the scan screen, if you scan over the targets without pressing
the SCAN button, the device will produce an audio response but will not
paint on screen. If you press the OK button in such a case, the device
will go to the result screen but the screen will be blank.
The timing for refreshing the scan screen (data to be erased from
screen) is around 8 minutes for non-motion and motion modes and
around 16 minutes for the Ground Anomaly & Cavity mode. In the
scan screen, different than the detection screens, the visible parts of
the screen will be cleared.
If strong drifts occur once you go to the scan screen,
first pull the trigger toward you once and release to manually retune
the device. If the drifts are still present, press the BACK button to go
to the detection screen. Then press the SETTINGS button, select the
AutoReset option and adjust it to a level to eliminate the drifts. In case
the drifts are still present, go to the scan screen, press the SETTINGS
button and lower the sensitivity level.
If overload occurs in the scan screen, you need to press
the SETTINGS button and lower the sensitivity.
To measure the field by scan process :
You can use the scan process just to measure the field you are in. In
order to do this, press and hold the SCAN button, start walking in a
straight direction and scan without swinging the coil. You can apply
this process in all fields with different shapes, circular or square. Once
the scanning is completed, release the SCAN button and press OK. An
empty result screen will appear on screen. Press the OK button again
and the scanned area will be shown linearly. By using the scale on the
screen, you can see the dimensions of the scanned area with 94% -
97% accuracy.
The sample image below belongs to a result screen of a 200x250cm.
(6.7'x8.3') scanned area.
While searching in the detection screen without the IPTU sensor,
all target signals including false signals are shown on a running
oscilloscope window with 2D graphs. Based on metal type, the target
signal is shown in the same color as the ID bar at the top. The IDs
filtered out by the Discrimination setting are indicated by gray color
but the device does not provide an audio response for these targets.
Upon target detection, the 2D graph of the target signal will peak
according to the signal strength. You can magnify or reduce the signal
graph with the zoom function. Upon target detection, the Drift-Metal
bar will fill up in the METAL direction and the ID of the target is shown
both in the target ID window at the bottom and with a cursor on the
color target ID bar at the top.
While searching in this screen, drifts may happen in both directions on
the Drift-Metal bar. When the bar fills up in the DRIFT direction, nothing
will be displayed on the oscilloscope and the device will not produce
any audio. When the drift happens in the METAL direction on the other
hand, a flat, continuous graph will appear on the oscilloscope, and the
device will produce an audio response.
In such a case, first pull the trigger towards you once and release it to
manually retune the device. If the drifts are still present, you can use
the Stabilizer setting to eliminate the drifts. However, please remember
that as the Stabilizer setting is increased, the device may detect weaker
signals but will not be able to detect the targets anymore if you hold
the coil stationary or sweep back and forth over the target.