Service Software Instructions
PAMS Technical Documentation
Page 52
Issue 1 10/00
Nokia Mobile Phones Ltd.
Product Profile... command
Status Bar Text
Alt, S,P,L,H
Open Product Profile settings dialog box.
This function is used for making product profile settings.
When the command is activated the product profile information is read
from EEPROM and Product Profile dialog is opened.
Product Profile dialog includes the following items:
Settings list box (ALT+E):
A list where user can select desired setting.
User can toggle setting with following Options drop list or by
double clicking desired setting in list box.
Options drop list (ALT+O):
List allows user to set options to each settings which are listed
in Settings list box. Possible options per setting are:
Save File button (ALT+S):
Saves all product profile setting to a file. Filename will be
asked from the user in a common file save dialog box.
Load File button (ALT+L):
Loads all product profile setting from a file. Filename will be
asked from the user in a common file open dialog box.
OK button (ENTER)
Selections are accepted and saved to EEPROM.
Cancel button (ESC)
Selections are ignored and control is returned back to main