Service Software Instructions
PAMS Technical Documentation
Page 34
Issue 1 10/00
Nokia Mobile Phones Ltd.
RSSI Digital (AGC)... command
Status Bar Text
Alt, T, D, H or L
Open the Tuning AGC dialog box
Starts Automatic Gain Control calibration. This means Received Signal
Strenght indicators in digital mode.
The next automatic selections are made when this tuning function is acti-
– Active Unit = RX
– Operation Mode = Continuous digital
– Selected band
– Channel 301 (low) or 500 (high )
– Power level 2
EEPROM DAC values is shown and the measurement is started by
pressing Meas button. Measurement is done in eleven steps:
1. User is requested to put signal generator input level –95 dB and fre-
quency 879.030 MHz
2. Measurement with input level is executed
3. User is requested to put signal generator input level –85 dB and fre-
quency 879.030 MHz
4. Measurement with input level is executed
5. User is requested to put signal generator input level –75 dB and fre-
quency 879.030 MHz
6. Measurement with input level is executed
7. User is requested to put signal generator input level –65 dB and fre-
quency 879.030 MHz
8. Measurement with input level is executed
9. User is requested to put signal generator input level –55 dB and fre-
quency 879.030 MHz
10. Measurement with input level is executed
11. The AGC tuning dialog will be updated when previous steps are done