Service Software Instructions
PAMS Technical Documentation
Page 40
Issue 1 10/00
Nokia Mobile Phones Ltd.
Charging... command
Status Bar Text
Alt, T, C
Starts charging tuning
The next automatic selections are made when this function is activated:
Active Unit = RX
Operation Mode = analog
Power Level = OFF
Channel 300
Low band
Before charging tuning is started, the battery setting request is shown.
EEPROM DAC values is shown and the measurement is started when the
”meas” button is pressed.
Charging tuning dialog includes the following items:
Values list box:
DAC values are shown.
Meas button (ALT+M):
The measurement can be started by pressing this button.
OK button (ENTER):
Dialog is closed and tuning
is saved to phone.
Cancel button (ESC):
Dialog is closed and tuning
is not saved to phone.
Help button (Alt+H):
Opens context sensitive help.