Issue 2 06/2005
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Nokia Customer Care
2. C2 cover mounted correct (red snap not vissible)?
3. Check if system connector is misplaced slightly?
4. Check for ”headset inserted symbol” in display?
5. Change speaker chamber/antenna works?
6. Change LCD can assembly (for new flex) works?
7. Change main PWB (UEM)?
Display failure
1. Flex B2B connector pressed in?
2. Display B2B connector pressed in (press through hole in C2 cover assembly)?
3. Change display works?
4. Change LCD can assembly (for new flex) works?
5. R316 (LCDRESETX) missing?
Fold detection failure
1: Check if magnet is mounted on bottom side of C2 cover assembly
(with a spare screw)
2: Check if N306 (Hall IC) is mounted?
Don’t try and rework flex!! Handling is likely to cause the solder pads to brake or disconncect
from track, which cannot be repaired in a reliable way by resoldering. Only reliable repair option
is to change the flex (LCD can assembly)!