Firmware updating procedures
Return of the updating dongle
Once you have confirmed that the firmware has been updated and all
components are operating normally, please email [email protected]
for the address to return the dongle to.
Note: A single dongle and its packaging can be mailed in a regular
envelope and should be under 1 ounce.
Note: Returning the dongle lets us send it to another clock owner and
keep costs down.
GPS repeater updating procedure
The GPS repeater firmware and lexicon (random word dictionary) may be
updated using a Windows® PC, an Apple® Mac® (running OS X®), or any
other system that supports USB Mass Storage devices such as systems
running FreeBSD® or Linux®.
You will need the following in order to update the GPS repeater firmware:
A computer of one of the types shown above and general familiarity
with command line operations on that computer
GPS repeater
Updated firmware and lex_make utility (available from
USB cable with mini-B (
micro-B) connector on one end and a
connector appropriate for your computer (normally full-size A, but this
can vary) on the other end
The following figure shows the top of the USB repeater.