Bluetooth devices. It will take several seconds. When the search is complete, the Braille display
Bluetooth name TSM appears in the list of devices.
Select TSM from the list. If the computer doesn't find the Seika Braille notetaker, please make sure
you turn on the Seika Braille notetaker, and then search again.
In the Bluetooth passcode edit field, type 0000.
After a few seconds, you will receive a message that the Bluetooth device was successfully connected
and the outgoing and incoming COM port assignments are displayed. Make a note of the outgoing
port number as this is the port the screen reader will use to communicate with the Seika Braille
Now you are ready to configure your screen reader to use the Bluetooth COM port. To configure the
COM port in the screen reader, please refer to chapter 4 for Jaws, chapter 5 for Window-Eyes.
4. Using Seika Braille notetaker with JAWS
4.1 Installing Seika Braille notetaker Patch for JAWS
Open the "Patch for JAWS" folder in the CD. Run the Patch for JAWS according to your Windows
operating system.
Install the patch by using the default steps. The Patch for JAWS will be installed by the JAWS Utility
automatically. A console window appears which will take several minutes.