input keyboard. You need connect the USB cable and launch the screen reader on the PC. The Seika
Braille notetaker supports most of screen reader software, such as JAWS, Window-Eyes, NVDA,
macOS, iOS, SuperNova and so on.
Once this application starts, the Seika Braille notetaker will display "wait connect…". Then you can
start your screen reading software.
If you already set up the USB connection successfully, there is a fast way to set up connection again.
After you start the Seika Braille notetaker, please DO NOT touch any keys, connect the USB cable
and to launch the screen reader on the PC.
2.5 Bluetooth mode
his application allows
you to set up the Bluetooth connection between the Seika Braille notetaker
and your cell phone. Once this application is started, the Seika Braille notetaker will display "wait
connect...", two seconds later, it will display "btname>tsm ****", where **** is the Bluetooth serial
number of the Seika Braille notetaker. When you are asked to input the Seika Braille notetaker
Bluetooth pin code, enter "0000" to set up the connection.
If you already set up the Bluetooth connection successfully, there is a fast way to set up connection
again. After you power on the Seika Braille notetaker, please DO NOT touch any keys, the Seika
Braille notetaker will open the blue tooth and wait connection. So you can launch the screen reader on
your cell phone and set up connection with the Seika Braille notetaker.