In order to use the Notepad, you must have a Micro SD card in the card slot (which is already installed
when you receive the Seika Braille notetaker) or a USB flash disk in the USB host port. When you
start the Notepad application, you need select the Micro SD card or USB flash disk, and then the Seika
Braille notetaker will display the first file name on the Micro SD card or USB flash disk. You can use
the Joystick_Up and Joystick_Bottom to scroll the file name and press Enter or cursor routing keys
above the file or folder name to open it. You can also press LB or RB to display the file size, modified
time and date. You can also press Backspace or Joystick_Left or press Space +e (1-5 + Space) to
move back to the father folder. If there is no Micro SD card or USB flash disk in the slot, or there is
not any file in the folder of Micro SD card or USB flash disk the Seika Braille notetaker will display
"no content", you can press Backspace or Space +e (1-5 + Space) to go back to the current menu.
NOTE: The file name should not include "|, \, <, >, ?, :, *". The folder name should not include
"., |, \, <, >, ?, :, *".
NOTE: The file and folder name also supports 6/8 dot display and file name 6/8 dot inputting.
NOTE: Do not pull out the Micro SD card or USB flash disk before you turn the Seika Braille
notetaker off.
2.1.1 New File (Space +n; 1-3-4-5 + Space)
This command will close any open document and create a new document or folder which you can
immediately edit. The document which you do not save will be prompted to save.
Press Space + n (1-3-4-5 + Space) to create a new file which you can immediately edit, after you input