II. Microscopy
Adjust the lamp to ensure color fidelity.
1) Set the “brightness adjustment dial” on the left side of the
microscope to the < 6V30W > indication.
2) Move the “NCB11 filter” on the dia-illuminator into the optical
3) Move the “ND4 filter” on the dia-illuminator into the optical
Adjust the optical path.
1) Press the “OBJECTIVE” key on the remote control pad to move
the < 10X > objective into the optical path.
2) Press the “LIGHT PATH” key on the remote control pad to point
100% light toward the observation port.
3) Place a specimen on the stage.
Set the microscope for bright-field microscopy.
1) Slide the Ph annular diaphragm slider to move the < Open >
position into the optical path.
2) While looking into the eyepieces, turn the “fine/coarse focus
knob” to bring the specimen into focus.
Adjust the diopter and distance between the eyepieces.
1) Turn the “photo-mask dial” on the front side of the microscope
counterclockwise to move the photo-mask into the optical
2) Look into the left eyepiece with your left eye. Turn the
“diopter adjustment ring” of the left eyepiece to bring the
double crosshairs of the photo-mask into focus.
3) Look into the right eyepiece with your right eye. Turn the
“diopter adjustment ring” of the right eyepiece to bring the
double crosshairs of the photo-mask into focus.
4) Turn the “photo-mask dial” on the front side of the microscope
clockwise to remove the photo-mask from the optical path.
5) Adjust the interpupillary distance to consolidate the view fields
of both eyepieces.
Turn the diopter adjustment ring
so that the double crosshairs come into focus.
Adjust the interpupillary distance
to consolidate the view fields of both eyepieces.