II. Microscopy
Microscope system consisting of TE2000-S,
dia-illuminator 30W, SLWD condenser,
and T-TS eyepiece tube S
The following instructions are based on a microscope equipped with the parts listed below.
TE2000-S microscope
T-TS eyepiece tube S
CFI 10X eyepiece
T-DS dia-illuminator 30W
6V30W halogen lamp
TE-PS30 power supply
SLWD condenser
T-SR rectangular stage
T-N6 sextuple nosepiece
Objectives for bright-field microscopy
Objectives for phase-contrast microscopy
2-1. Bright-field (BF) microscopy
Key point: Detach all optical elements required for other types of observation from the optical path. The size of the field
diaphragm of the SLWD condenser is fixed. There is no “aperture diaphragm”.
Turn on the dia-illumination.
1) Make sure that the input voltage indication on the rear side
of the power supply corresponds with the voltage of the
commercial power source in the area. (-> If different, do
not turn on the switch. Contact your nearest Nikon
representative immediately.)
2) Turn on the “CTRL switch” on the rear side of the power
3) Turn on the “power switch” of the power supply. (Flip the
switch to
4) Press the “dia-illumination ON/OFF switch” on the left side
of the microscope to turn on the lamp.
Adjust the lamp to ensure color fidelity.
1) Set the “brightness adjustment dial” on the left side of the
microscope to the < 6V30W > indication.
2) Move the “NCB11 filter” on the dia-illuminator into the
optical path.
3) Move the “ND4 filter” on the dia-illuminator into the optical