7.18 What is integration used for?
The camera normally operates at a frame rate of 8Hz (i.e. the image is updated
8 times per second). For viewing scenes in which there is very little temperature
variation, however, the image may be improved by integrating over several
frames to reduce the noise.
How do I set the Integration?
1. Press Hotkey 4
to select the menu (Fig 1).
2. “Infrared Settings”
is highlighted. Press Hotkey 3
to select it.
3. Use the up/down navigation buttons
to move to the Integration option.
4. Use the left/right navigation buttons
to change the value.
5. Press Hotkey 4
to exit.
The image update rate is slower when integration is
increased, so the camera must be held still or moved very
slowly when high integration numbers are used.
Hotkey 1 Hotkey 2 Hotkey 3 Hotkey 4
Fig 1.
Centre toggle button
Up/Down, Left/Right
navigation buttons.