Installation and User Guide of Board
Ideas of Interaction
Please don’t forget to switch to left mouse function when you finished annotation process, or change other pen type
/ color / line; all of the pen marked annotation can be moved to anywhere by clicking and dragging.
Please remember that all of the pen marked annotation can’t be deleted by using eraser function, you can click
” on your PC keyboard or on Screen keyboard.
If you want to save all annotation you marked when finishing presentation,
please save this PowerPoint file
before close.
In case of that you can re-edit all annotation next time when open.
Handwriting recognition in PowerPoint
User can access and get the result of handwriting recognition in NHBoard-T 3.1 not only in Textbox, but also
in many format files, such as document, text file, Word, Excel, PowerPoint, even Internet website address,
please find below instruction of Handwriting recognition in PowerPoint.
Launching Handwriting recognition function in Floating tools palette.
to get mouse function. Please note, this mouse function is different from other “mouse” in Floating tools
palette or other place, this mouse function is used to choose the position of the words to be written.
Select the language in need. Then, it is the same process like you do in above Textbox handwriting
recognition; of course you can change the font, color, size of recognized standard text result by
selecting firstly.
You can write single letter or word as well as one sentence with handwriting green color pen. You can
also switch to keyboard input type during the process.
Tutorial Eleven --- Screen Tools
Launching and using Spotlight
Launching and using Curtain
Launching and using Highlight Screen
Switching to Black Screen
Launching and Using Spotlight
NHBoard-T V3.1 can be used to aid presentation. One tool is the Spotlight. Select it and then move the
circle light to highlight and focus on certain area when do presentation.
Launch spotlight function by clicking on
Dragging the mouse to move the circle light.