SNMP Read Community:
Sets the read-only community
name of the SNMP information of the switch. To read the
SNMP information of the switch, the SNMP management
software must contain the consistent read-only communi-
ty name.
SNMP Write Community:
Sets the writeable community
name of the SNMP information of the switch. To modify
the SNMP information of the switch, the SNMP manage-
ment software must contain the consistent writeable
community name.
SNMP Trap Community:
Used by the SNMP manage-
ment software to identify the specific switch sending the
Trap message.
3.12.2 Change Password
Change password window:
Modifies the password for
the login.
Old Password:
input default password (admin).
New Password:
input a new password.
Confirm New Password:
input the new password again.
A password length cannot exceed 15 characters.