Nova300 - ADSL wireless modem router
Nova300 - ADSL wireless modem router
4.5.5 Internet time
This page is used to set the router’s system time. If
Automatically synchronize with Internet time
is checked, the system will automatically connect to NTP server to synchronize the time.
4.5.6 Access control
This section explains the following information:
• Password
AccessControl - Service
First/Second/Third/Fourth/Fifth NTP time server:
Select a NTP time server from the drop-down list.
If the NTP time server you are looking for is not included in the list, select “Other” and then enter it
manually in the box.
Time zone offset:
Select your time zone from the drop-down list.
Select Enable/Disable to enable/disable the TR-069 Client function. By default, it is disabled.
Inform Interval:
Specify the inform interval.
Enter the ACS (Auto-Configuration Server) URL address.
ACS user name:
Enter the ACS (Auto-Configuration Server) user name.
ACS password:
Enter the ACS (Auto-Configuration Server) password.
WAN interface used by TR-069 client:
Select the WAN interface used by the TR-069 client from the
drop-down list.
Display SOAP messages on serial console:
If Enable is selected, SOAP messages will be displayed on
serial console; if Disable is selected, SOAP messages will not be displayed on serial console.
Connection Request Authentication:
Check/uncheck to enable/disable the connection request authenti-
Connection Request User Name:
Enter the connection request user name.
Connection Request Password:
Enter the connection request password.
Connection Request URL:
Specify the connection request URL.