4VAL Operating & Maintenance Manual Version 1.1 © Newman Labelling Systems Ltd Page 13 of 56
The operation of the machine is completely automatic provided it is supplied with
containers and labels. Containers are fed from trays at the infeed through the labelling
system to the outfeed tray collection. The machine will be configured with the guide
rails set for your tray width. The containers are carried on a slow speed conveyor to
the applicator drum and are separated for labelling because the applicator drum runs
faster than the conveyor. As the containers are taken into the control of the applicator
drum, a label is fed and applied. The container continues to be rolled by the drum to
ensure overall adhesion. The label arm is fitted with label control sensor/s and
optional overprinting, overprint verification and bar code reading. After the label
application the containers pass the missing label detection station and are then
directed to a stationary collecting table to be tray loaded.
At the end of a shift, no special Closedown Procedure is necessary. Simply stop the
machine and switch off the machine at the isolator switch. The machine can then be
re-started as required by re-switching on the isolator switch and pressing the reset
button. If a Coder is fitted, a warm-up period of 10 - 15 minutes minimum is usually
necessary. If during normal machine running any of the fault conditions occur the
machine will stop and display an appropriate alarm message.