Chapter 5 ESC Commands
The NQuire supports ESC commands that perform device controls such as controlling cursor, clearing
screen and aligning text.
Text Display
The NQuire uses proportional fonts (every single character has its own specific width) for displaying text.
For example, the letter
takes up much less horizontal space than the letter
. As a result, you hardly
know precisely how many characters fit on one line. If a text is too long to fit on one line, some characters
will not be shown on the screen. Averagely speaking, up to 20 characters can be display on a single line.
Every received ASCII value (between 20 and 255), which is not part of a command, is normally
displayed on the screen.
The following commands control the position and control of text:
Carriage Return (for going to the start position of the next line): ESC 0x0D
Line Feed (for going to the start position of the next line): ESC 0x0A
Set cursor (for predefined cursor positions): ESC 0x27
Set pixel position (for placing the cursor on any pixel location): ESC 0x2C
Align text (for aligning text to a position such as center of the screen, right of the screen) : ESC 0x2E