NEWCO Enterprises Phone: 1.800.325.7867 Fax: 1.636.925.0029 7.22.09
23 of 29
PN: 121314
Error Messages:
What to Check
tHU/ tHL Thermistor warning –
immediately upon detection the
machine will beep twice and
show the warning message for
a minute as well as turn on the
right most upper dot on the
display. This dot will stay on to
signify there is a thermistor out.
Also upon power up the
machine will beep twice and
show the warning message for
a short period of time and turn
on the high dot if the warning
conditions are present
Resistance extremely high from
upper or lower thermistor will
cause or the resistance extremely
low from upper or lower
thermistor will cause a tHU or tHL
warning for the thermistor that
sees the condition and causes
the control board to switch from
watching the lower to the upper
thermistor. If both the upper and
lower resisters fail then we flag a
thermistor ErC error
This warns you that 1
thermistor has failed. Nothing
is required at this time as the
upper thermistor has taken
over but ordering a
replacement thermistor is
Heater Run Error
Water did not heat within timeout
period. Timeout period is 120
seconds which is reloaded
whenever the heater is off or the
fill valve is on
Check element for short and
proper resistance. Check
heater relay. Check for
tripped button on Hi-Limit
Tank Fill Error
Water did not reach probe in
timeout period of 2 minutes for
initial fill and 20 seconds minute
during normal operation. The 2
minute fill time is reloaded if no
key is pressed within 24 hours
Check valve function and flow
rate. Replace valve or
increase flow rate. Check
probes for excess scale.
Comm Error
Serial communication error
to/from non-volatile memory
Hold down the enter key to
enter Machine Set up mode
pressing the enter key to
cycle through all options then
exit mode. This resets all the
defaults. If the error still
occurs then replace main
Open Motor Circuit - The motor
errors (Er7 and Er8) do not
cause a system error and will
not shut down the machine.
Immediately upon detection the
machine will beep twice and
show the error message. Every
time the key is pressed to
activate a dispense motor it
clears the error and allow
another attempt to be made. If
this error occurs the dump
valve still will release water.
Open motor circuit, Product Pump Retry pump if the error still
occurs then check
harness/motor continuity.
Replace if defective.
Note: Turn machine Off then back On to Clear Error Messages