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F156.6 / F156.6A
Carefully read personal and machine SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS (at the beginning of this manual)
Read the chapters "Fundamental
safety instructions" and "Operation
- General instructions" carefully and
observe the instructions given in
these sections.
Inspect the site for underground gas,
power and water lines before starting
work. Any damage to such lines is a
life-threatening risk.
Clean off any earth, mud, snow, ice,
grease and oil adhering to your
working footwear before operating
the machine. There is otherwise a
risk of slipping off the pedals and in-
itiating inadvertent movements.
When driving with the door open, it
must be locked in its limit position.
Sound the hooter to warn persons in
the immediate vicinity of the machine
before starting work.
Never drive across slopes.
Never turn on slopes.
Never steer with the pivot steering on
Stop work if anyone is in the hazard
range of the machine. Continue
working only after such persons
have left the hazard range.
Always use and operate the machine
in such a way as to guarantee its sta-
Trenches and building pits may cave
in. Keep well clear of them.
The versatility of the graders and the wide range of
materials handled allow many different applications
and working methods.
We therefore recommend initial operator instruction
by the Manufacturer.
Read and observe: "Operation and
Maintenance Instruction Manual -
Warming up the machine".
Never exceed the admissible trans-
verse and longitudinal inclination of
the machine. This affects or inter-
rupts the engine lubrication.
The admissible engine inclinations
Transverse: left
/ right
Longitudinal: deep / high
Lower the working equipment imme-
diately and shut off the engine if the
warning lights for engine tempera-
ture, engine oil pressure or alternator
light up.